October 13, 2024


Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy

apkwi.com is an APK supplier site that falls under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Section 512, 17 U.S.C. All available links and information about these APKs and links are distributed online with permission from their rightful owners. We are just a medium through which the application can be spread; we have no legal rights to any of the applications as all rights belong to their copyright holders.

How to contact for Infringement Allegations

If a copyright issue arises on the website, you can notify the website team (APKWi.com). Our team supports the rights of a copyright owner. Hence, whenever there is an endless charge made against you, we should be contacted for further steps.

How to write a Complaint about Copyright Infringing

The below information and sample must form part of your infringement complaint notice so that we can help you solve your problem:

Signature of the authorized person or company agent whose right has been infringed upon. If someone else contacts us then they must have the physical or electronic signature of a protected owner plus an authority letter copy or infringing statement.

The complainant should identify his/her violated data in his/her complaint. State its location and URL if it exists elsewhere.

The Party also states the location, active phone number, and email address for our appointed agent to reach them in case the need arises. Without adequate contact details, it is useless to send such notices.

Otherwise, if the notice does not meet this standard, the Complainant shall be liable under Section 512(f) of the DCMA Act as it is suggested that the DCMA Act should be recognized before making any claim concerning infringement.

Our Agent’s Response

The below information and sample must form part of your complaint notification so that we can help you solve your problem:

Signature of the authorized person or company agent whose right has been infringed upon. If someone else contacts us then they must have the physical or electronic signature of a protected owner plus an authority letter copy or infringing statement.

The claiming party should specify the violated data in their complaint. There has to be an exact location and URL where it is available. If there are many places of infringed information, point them out.

Additionally, the party provides their address, live telephone number, and email for our agent who will be assigned to address it. Notice cannot proceed without sufficient contact details.

If not legitimate, the notice could result in a penalty under Section 512(f) of the DCMA Act ascertaining that before one contacts us regarding infringement, he/she should try and get to know what the DCMA Act is.

Penalty to False Infringement

When false Infringement claims are made against a complainant, he or she may be penalized as well as having his/her site damaged. The injury could also include the cost of hiring a legal adviser by the website. Furthermore, there will be extra penalties for sections 512 and 17 U.S.C of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Response to Technical Issues

Violation will not result from any technical issue in the content that was provided on the website. We request everyone to notify us about any technical issues they come across. However, if there is a problem with the given APK, we cannot help because this site offers the same link mentioned above on application stores. Nevertheless, if there is wrong or missing information regarding the APK, write to us through contacts detailed in our “Contact Us” section.